women high five in front of their colleagues

HSMAI Sales Leader Forum (Long Beach, CA)

The HSMAI Sales Leader Forum advances the hotel sales discipline by elevating the knowledge and skills of off-property sales leaders when it comes to important trends, critical insights, and best practices…and what it means for leading hotel sales teams in today’s landscape.

You’ll leave with practical information, insights, and strategies to help you sharpen your action plan and challenging ideas to guide your strategies – all aimed at fueling sales.

The Forum is organized by HSMAI’s Sales Advisory Board.

Long Beach Hilton
701 West Ocean Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90831

Registration Type Early Bird through October 11
October 12–Onsite
Hotel/Associate $795 / $1150

$995 / $1350


$895 / $1250

$1095 / $1450
Faculty /Student 

$398 / na

$398 / na

Register Today